Monday, January 10, 2011

Finally landed on Oregon

The trip to Oregon was a headache, but i made it. I was scheduled to fly out of Gulfport, MS, connect in Memphis, TN, connect in Salt Lake City, UT and finally land in Medford, OR.
Katie did the wonderful work of driving me to Gulfport, after she dropped me off she drove back home. 10 minutes after she got home I got to make the wonderful phone call for her to come back and pick me up. Delta cancelled 1,400 flights that day, mine was one of those.
My only option to get to United Bicycle Institute on time was to fly out of New Orleans in the morning so we drove there and spent the night at a friends house.

Luckily my flights were only delayed so I finally arrived!

I immediately got rushed into the classroom and the learning started. UBI attracts students from all over the world. I'm in class with people from Singapore, Canada, etc.

I've been wrenching on bike a while so none of the subject matter was new but it was nice to be properly taught how things are done. We spent the day going over hubs and wheels components. We got to do hands on learning and disect every peice of the hub and reassemble. We dealt with it all. I've done it all before but to professional advice was nice.
After class I walked to a local microbrewery to watch the BCS National Championship.
Tomorrow I will be going over wheelbuilding and repair.