Today we talked deraileurs.... FOR 8 HOURS! We dicussed the evolution, styles etc. We took them off put the on, adjusted, did troubleshooting etc. I would go into more detail but i don't feel like writing a book.
Pictured above is Murray(the guy standing up). He runs the hostel where we are staying, super nice guy.
Pictured above is my lovely fiance hanging out in the ER at Thomas Hospital.
Pictured above is Murray(the guy standing up). He runs the hostel where we are staying, super nice guy.
After class I went to call Katie, no answer, I called my dad and found out that she got in a car accident. It turns out that some teenage girl decided that texting was more important than driving. Luckily she is OK but she should have a horrible headache for the next few days. I wish that I was not on the other side of the country right now but at least she is OK.