Wednesday, January 19, 2011

UBI day 8

Another day at bike school. Our class spent the day focusing on suspension, frame material, reaming and facing.
We started out with the basics of bicycle suspension. We passed around suspension parts and talked and talked and talked some more about suspension. We capped it off by taking apart a suspension fork and draining the oil. Then we went through the process of topping the oil back off and putting the fork back together.
Next week I will attend the advanced suspension class and go way more in depth and include way more hands on.
Then we discussed frame materials, construction, uses etc.
To end the day we discussed reaming and facing bottom brackets and headsets. We discussed why we do it and the different methods on how to do it. UBI does a solid job at this since they have a frame building shop and have a few master frame builders of staff. To finish we reamed and faced a bottom bracket and then faced a headset.
Below I snapped some pictures from today.